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​A good sign for the future of Web3

If you want to know what the online landscape will look like in 5-10 years, study what's happening in Silicon Valley, today.

Whatever those dressed-down savants are sinking their time and money into now, will often become ubiquitous in the years ahead.

Finding Silicon Valley companies/businesses/firms, where big brains and deep pockets intersect, is a fast way to glimpse the future.

The venture capital firm 'a16z,' fits that mold - and their investments got us all giddy about the future of Web3.

Here's what we found:

We combed through each of their 86 investments, categorized them, and found that they're heavily invested in two major Web3 categories:

Infrastructure (36%) and consumer tools (31%).

Which, upon reflection, feels like a bit of anti-climax...but it's not!

Think of it like this:

The folks at a16z aren't looking to fund the 'Disneyland of Web3' - instead, they're focused on bankrolling the development of the highways and cars that will get us to the parking lot.

It's an important first step, that promises an exciting future!

Here're some potential red flags:

This sort of capital investment has the potential to manipulate the Web3 landscape...

So, what're their intentions? Are they trying to own the market like Zuck? No one wants that.

(Good news) it's quite the opposite.

Here's what Chris Dixon, the head of a16z's crypto investment arm, had to say on the matter:

"I don’t think this is a good outcome...

The idea of having the internet controlled by five companies is very bad for entrepreneurs and bad for VCs.

What we can do to create a better internet is create new systems where the network effects accrue to the community instead of to companies.”

(Preach, Chrissy D, preach!)

File this one under: 'Probably a good sign, interested to see how the future pans out.'