Web3 Daily

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​Are you a creative? It's probably time to move into Web3.

If you've been looking for a sign to move your career into Web3, this might be it.

The US-based job platform, Creatively, just ran a survey on creative wages and discovered they average out at around $150k a year.

(Not bad!).

...but - how's this for an incentive - the average salary for creatives working in Web3? Double the industry average!

($300,000 per year).

Apparently we have our good friends - supply, and demand - to thank for the pay bump...there's just not enough creative talent available in the space as of yet.

(This is another exciting sign that the Web3 industry isn't slowing down!)

Anyway, if you're a designer, content creator, developer, marketer, community manager (whatever!) - and you're toying with the idea of making the shift to Web3...

We did a bit of digging and found five platforms that can land you a job in the space:

  1. Angel List
    (Silicon Valley big dogs, focused on the broader tech space)

  2. Crypto Recruit
    (Specialist recruiters, focused solely on crypto & Web3)

  3. Cryptocurrency Jobs
    (Similar to Crypto Recruit)

  4. Remote3
    (A platform focused on, you guessed it - remote Web3 jobs)

  5. Web3 Jobs
    (We actually mentioned them last week, but it bears repeating - they're solid!)

...and to stop this from reading like an ad, we're just going to leave this here:


Alright, happy hunting!