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​Bitcoin's Doom (it's not what you think)

Ok, so this is kind of wild.

Remember on Wednesday, how we wrote about 'Bitcoin Inscriptions'?

Basically, there's a way to inscribe extra code to the Bitcoins you send to people.

That extra code could make up a .jpeg file, a video, a text message...

Or a watered down knock-off of the 1993 smash hit video game, Doom.

(Yeah - someone actually did that!)

In fact, you can even play it yourself.

And as an added bonus, this also welcomes Bitcoin to the 'It Runs Doom' Meme family, where:

"People try to get the game working on nearly any gadget or device they can find—whether it’s an ATM, a fridge, a smartwatch, and plenty more."

The internet is a weird and wonderful place