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​Could Nansen dethrone Discord?

How does a tech product / brand set itself apart in the market?

A lot of the big dogs use their product ecosystems to pull customers in.

Amazon, Apple, Google - they each have wide product ranges, that all work seamlessly within their walled gardens.

If you buy one (e.g. an iPhone), there's a good chance you'll buy more (AirPods / Apple Watch / MacBook / Apple Music Subscription etc.).

It looks like Nansen, the blockchain analytics company, are making some big brain moves and following that same playbook.

They've just publicly launched Nansen 'Connect,' an end-to-end encrypted messaging service, where a user's crypto wallet doubles as their login/online identity.

The messaging interface also lets users join / chat within a bunch of public & private Web3 communities.

Here's why this is smart:

  • People use Nansen analytics to inform their investment decisions - but a lot of the early premo information comes from within a project's community channels (not charts).

    A free messaging service that gives folks direct access to the communities behind the tokens they're buying into?

    This sets them apart from their competition.

  • You don't need to be a Nansen user to join - the service integrates with MetaMask, WalletConnect, and Coinbase Wallet, right out of the box.

    As far as new user acquisition goes, this massively widens the net.

  • If someone is talking a big game in the chat, you can literally view what tokens/NFTs they have in their wallet, to verify they're practicing what they preach.

A simple product, that fits the market like a glove.

We love to see it!