Web3 Daily

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‘Enough of this Sh*t’- Vitalik Buterin

You know when you put on a pair of jeans for the first time in a couple of months, only to find $20 in your pocket?

That’s the basic concept behind an ‘airdrop.’

The Pants Gods (or in Web3, a crypto project) just randomly drop money (or, crypto tokens) into your pocket (crypto wallet).

Apparently, Ethereum founder, Vitalik Buterin, is often the target of unwanted token airdrops being sent to him.

Why would a crypto project just give someone ‘free money’?

Well, it’s not usually worth too much at the time they give it. And there’s not a huge cost to the project.

The hope is that the media will pick it up, or the receiver will Tweet about it, or it will find its way into mainstream media some other way.

In other words, marketing.

...but Vitalik’s getting sick of it.

So much so, that he just dumped 25 Trillion (with a T) tokens of a meme coin project that had been airdropped to him. The project was literally called Sh*t.

Normally you would expect that to reduce the value of a coin, but meme coins seem to operate by their own rules.

As of right now, the value of Sh*t’s tokens is up about 14% in the past 24hrs.

The ironic thing is, by Vitalik dumping all his Sh*tcoins, and by us writing about Sh*t’s airdrop (and by you reading this here article), their plan kind of worked.

We’re still not buying Sh*t though.