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​Everyone in the US can now show off their NFTs on Instagram

It's been 'coming soon' for a while now...but it's finally here!

Meta (FB) are now allowing users to connect wallets from Coinbase, Dapper Labs, MetaMask, Rainbow and Trust to Instagram, in order to display their NFTs.

Given Instagram has a total monthly user base of 1 billion people (150 million of which live in the U.S) this has the potential to introduce NFTs, as a concept, to a bunch of new people.

This is way bigger than Twitter's NFT integration, because not only is IG a larger platform - it's a visual one.

Which means it could take the 'everywhere-ness' of NFTs to a whole other level.

But here's a hot take for you: we have a sneaking suspicion that the true impact of this update won't be seen until the next bull run, in 2024.

Right now, folks are moving their cash out of high risk investments, like NFTs (thanks a lot, inflation/potential recession/potential World War 3).

But while the market may be down, people haven't stopped building in Web3 - and one niche that is getting a lot of love is gaming.

There's a good chance that by the time the next bull run comes around, we'll have a handful of popular (dare we say 'hit') play-to-earn-NFT games on our hands.

Instagram will be the perfect place for players to show off their hard won NFTs and interact with the community - all on a public stage.

(Snowballing the 'everywhere-ness' of NFTs).