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Fixing The DMV With Crypto

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  • The DMV’s new partnership with Avalanche is going to streamline the title & registration transfer process, lowering required physical appointments and bringing 42M Californian drivers onchain in the process.

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Did you know all the dreary, soulless office scenes from Fight Club were based on the director’s experience at the DMV?

How did we learn that?

We didn’t. We just made it up. But you believed it because everyone knows the DMV is a hellscape (with paperwork).

Good news for those of you in California: those visits to the DMV are about to be heavily reduced, thanks to the department’s new partnership with Avalanche.

Here’s an A/B comparison of the old/new experience:

A) The Old Way

  • You buy a second hand car (nice!)

  • To transfer the title and registration, you need to visit the DMV or Post Office and provide some or all of the following documents…

  • Completed Application for Title or Registration (Form REG 343), vehicle's out-of-state title, vehicle's out-of-state registration, proof of insurance, valid smog certificate, VES statement…

  • * Deep inhale of breath *

  • California Certificate of Title or an Application for Replacement or Transfer of Title (REG 227), signatures of seller(s) lien holder (if any) and buyer(s), and payment for the transfer fee.

B) The New Way

  • Most of that is logged, verified, and updated on the blockchain, so when you want to transfer a title and registration…

  • You just fill out a digital transfer form and click a button to sign in the DMV app.

It’s a massive step towards change for Californian drivers; and it will bring 42M new users onchain in one fell swoop.

We love to see it.