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“Get Paid To Hang Out With Your Friends” (That’s a Helluva Pitch!)


  • Scene is software that rewards community members with crypto tokens every time they interact irl, whether they’re hosting or attending events.

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We’re always banging on about how there are more use cases for crypto tokens than just money — and this could well back that argument.

What are we talking about? 

Picture this: you go to dinner with some friends, scan your personal QR code, stay for an hour or so…all while getting rewarded for being there.

When you leave, you check your phone and see some new tokens have been dropped in your wallet.

That, right there ☝️, is the basic concept of ‘Scene.’

Here's how it works:  

The founders of Scene believe there’s a larger use for tokens outside of ‘money’ — and that one of those use cases is community ownership. 

Scene rewards community members with crypto tokens every time they interact irl, whether they’re hosting or attending events, with the ultimate goal of getting people to create more face-to-face communities. 

The interesting thing here:

The founders of Scene have stated that they’re looking to create software that will onboard people into the space, without it being about ‘money’ or an investment.

Which sounds awesome! But…

Our guess is, these tokens will most likely devolve into monetary assets the moment the underlying community gains traction.

(E.g. Just look at the ‘FWB’ community token — it’s currently worth ~$4, but was once pushing $200 back when the market/community was hot).