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​Google Cloud is about to onboard into crypto

Here's something we learned by throwing parties back in high school:

If you want to throw a rager, the easiest way to do so is by locking in the cool kids first. Once they're in, everyone else tends to follow.

(Oh, and hide your replica light sabers - we learned that the hard way).

Coinbase are taking a similar approach by locking in one of the biggest names in the tech industry, Google.

Google Cloud will soon start accepting crypto payments from a selection of customers, via an integration with Coinbase Commerce.

It's a small gesture, given Google's size, but one that sends a clear message to the rest of the industry:

If Google is adopting it, it must be legit.

And it seems Coinbase knows this - they agreed to move all of their data-related applications off Amazon Web Services (sorry, Jeff n' Andy) and over to Google Cloud, in order to lock the deal in.

(What's good for crypto, is good for Coinbase).
