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“Hey Siri, Find Me the Next Winning Cryptocurrency”


  • The Graph blockchain is using a chunk of its 2022 funding round to make the "AI-integrated 'Google Search, but for blockchains,'" a thing.

  • The Graph has already brought 'Search' to the world of blockchain - allowing users to query specific data across multiple blockchains, and have it delivered back to them.

  • The next step in The Graph's roadmap? Make all major blockchains searchable using AI.

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Imagine being able to ask Siri:

"What's the most popular NFT I can buy for under $100 right now?"


"Based on current trading volumes, which of the top 10 tokens is most under-valued?"

It'd make research WAY more accessible, to WAY more people!

Only problem is...

Siri sucks.

And there's no AI-integrated 'Google Search, but for blockchains.'

At least, for now.

Sure, there’s no end in sight to Siri's (now decade long) track record of lackluster performance, buuuuut:

​The Graph blockchain is using a chunk of its 2022 funding round to make the "AI-integrated 'Google Search, but for blockchains,'" a thing.

In fact, The Graph has already brought 'Search' to the world of blockchain - allowing users to query specific data across multiple blockchains, and have it delivered back to them.

The next step in The Graph's roadmap?

Make all major blockchains searchable using AI.

The beauty of adding AI to the mix is that users won't have to be hyper specific about their requests, instead they'll be able to:

Ask questions using plain language → have the AI connect the dots between what was asked/what data is needed → and spit back a result.

Godspeed to The Graph team!