Web3 Daily

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​How 100 years of Disney's brand could help Web3 adoption.

So, apparently Disney has an accelerator program?

And almost all of the companies included in the 2022 cohort were focused on Web3.

(Good sign!).

One of the companies - Obsess - just launched an interactive, Web3 e-commerce platform in collaboration with Disney.

The idea being that fans can discover soundtracks from Disney films and TV shows by clicking on records and other items throughout the virtual space.

Here's why this is cool:

  • We've said it before, and we'll say it again. Big companies, with existing fan bases (especially companies with nostalgia attached to their brand, like Disney) have a huge head start in onboarding the masses into Web3.

  • In order to achieve that, they need the right teams to build the tech - hence why the accelerator is a smart move.

  • According to Ken Bunt, President of Disney Music Group, the objective of this project is: "To launch an exciting new shopping experience for our Disney Music Emporium store. As we prepare to celebrate 100 years of Disney, this is the perfect way to create discovery and fun for our guests.”

So, inbuilt trust from a legacy brand + partnering with the right team for development + a fun and exciting new shopping experience for fans...

Equals one more step on the path to mass adoption of Web3.