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​How to lose $100K in 10 seconds

Surprise! There’s new NFT scam going around.

This time, it involves Discord.

We could discuss all the ways Discord kinda sucks (but that's already been done), so instead let's cover the scam itself.

Remember Beeple? The guy who sold an NFT for $69.3M USD last year?

He - like many others in the Web3 space - uses Discord to manage his community.

Beeple’s Discord server is designed specifically for collectors of his NFT works. And, in order to be accepted, people must verify ownership of a Beeple NFT by connecting a wallet holding one of his digital artworks.

All was well and good, until some big brained scammer decided that this could be a nice way to get access to a few new, very valuable, NFTs.

(The cheapest Beeple NFT is going for ~$100K).

Here’s how it worked:

The scammer set up a new Discord server that looked exactly like the legit Beeple one.

Then, they somehow hacked the legitimate links to Beeple’s Discord so people would be directed to the fraudulent server (not knowing any different).

In order to access the server, they’d need to verify themselves as Beeple NFT owners, by connecting their wallets.

Problem was, in doing that, they unknowingly gave access to their NFTs, which were promptly stolen.

It’s unclear right now just how many people got caught up in the scam.

But even one person is one too many!

And while his writing is all over the place, we think Beeple put it best in the last line of this Tweet: