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MetaMask Banned From the App Store (For Like, an Hour - Give or Take)


  • There’re a bunch of headlines floating around saying that MetaMask, the world's leading ​hot wallet​, was banned from Apple's App Store…

  • But the headline should really read ‘MetaMask banned from App Store (for like, an hour - give or take).’

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Ok, so this news isn’t important in itself...but it’s probably important that we cover it.

Confused? Here’s what we’re on about:

There’re a bunch of headlines floating around saying that MetaMask, the world's leading ​hot wallet​, was banned from Apple's App Store…

Which is technically true.

But the headline should really read ‘MetaMask banned from App Store (for like, an hour - give or take).’

Although that headline is:

  1. A little clunky.

  2. Not as catchy.

  3. Won’t drive as many clicks.

So, most of the headlines floating around right now will happily let you believe MetaMask is gone for good on the iPhone.