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Millions of Online Stores Can Now Accept Crypto, Thanks to One Payment Provider’s Update

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  • Shopify merchants can now accept hundreds of different cryptocurrencies via Solana, bringing more use cases to the crypto space (and more value by proxy).

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“Crypto news media doesn’t repeat itself, but it certainly rhymes”
— Us, said just now.

We closed out yesterday’s lead article with this:

“The easier a luxury brand (or any business) makes it for cashed-up folks to spend their crypto → the more money they’re likely to make as a result.

(The real opportunity here lies in the fact that so few businesses accept crypto)”

And today we got wind of this:

The crypto payments platform Helio just made a massive update to its Solana Pay plugin for Shopify, allowing millions of Shopify merchants to accept payments in hundreds of different cryptocurrencies.

Which is important, because:

The more use cases crypto has → the more valuable crypto becomes → the more crypto payment integrations exist → the more use cases crypto has.

It’s a beautiful self-perpetuating cycle of adoption 🥲