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​The best NFT utility to date.

Out of all of the NFT projects with utility, this may just be the best one yet.

(Yep, big call - standing by it).

Buy an NFT → have a beer with Bill Murray.

Here’s what went down:

This week, a 1/1 NFT went up for sale. It was part of Bill Murray’s ‘Bill Murray 1000’ collection; and the only one that included the utility to get a beer with ol' Billy boy.

There were six interested buyers which led to an all-out bidding war.

Eventually the NFT sold for 119.2 ETH (~$185k USD).

...that’s one expensive beer.

Here’re the learnings from what’s otherwise, a pretty funny NFT release:

  • All proceeds from the sale of Bill’s NFTs go to charity. Another example of NFTs being a funding vehicle for good.

  • Celebrity reputation sells. We guarantee, a 1/1 ‘Beer With Seb’ NFT would not generate $185k for charity. Celebrities, on the other hand, may be the most consistently successful way to market NFTs to date.

  • While this is not really the best NFT project utility ever, let’s not forget that blockchain is forever. People will see that, on Wed 31 Aug 2022, Brant Boersma bought a beer with Bill Murray for $185k.

Not the worst legacy to leave behind!