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The Bored Ape metaverse just opened for its ‘First Trips’

The world just got its first glimpse of the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) 'Otherside' metaverse.

...and it looks insane! (Check out the video):

Here's what's is going on:

The Otherside metaverse isn't open for business just yet, that was just a sneak peak for early users...

BUT! Holders of virtual land deeds, known as 'Otherdeeds', will soon be permitted exclusive access to the game, which will begin 'Phase 1' of the development roadmap.

"Initially, users will experience Otherside through a narrative gameplay experience...

...an 11-part storyline surrounding a mysterious Obelisk that has appeared in the Otherside universe."

Which is all a nice way of saying, 'we're going to let our most avid (and forgiving) fans pressure test the game first.'

Here's what they're doing differently:

Otherside is essentially turning its early users, into co-developers.

In Phase 1, Otherdeed owners won't just be able to beta test the game...

They'll get access to the Otherside Development Kit, where they can help build out the platform's core functionality.


Here's what we've been told to expect in the long term:

  • The Otherside metaverse will be an open platform.

    Meaning developers will be able to build (& wholly own) their own digital worlds, within the Otherside metaverse.

    Think of this like a developer creating a game for the Sony Playstation, where the digital world is the game, and the Otherside metaverse is the Playstation.

    The developer owns the game and gives a cut of sales to Sony.

    Our guess is Yuga Labs (creators of Otherside / BAYC) will take their cut of revenue by proxy - requiring developers to have their game transact in ApeCoin, which is a token aligned with BAYC.

  • It will be interoperable.

    Meaning, whether users want to trade NFTs that are built on Solana, Ethereum or Cardano - everything should just work, seamlessly.

    The same way you can access Instagram on both iPhone and Android - the Instagram platform is interoperable with both.

Alright, that's it - that's everything we know for now.