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The Good News Catalogue: Five Pieces of Positive Price News That’ll Give You the Zoomies


  • There's a bunch of positive price news floating around - too much to give each story its own article. To pick a few…

  • Bitcoin just cracked $35,000 (up from $26k less than a month ago).

  • XRP is up 15% in the past 7 days, briefly taking the #4 spot based on market cap from BNB.

  • We're not at the 'getting a random text from uncle Steve asking for advice on which crypto projects to buy' stage of the market just yet...But it's definitely in reach.

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There's a bunch of positive price news floating around - too much to give each story its own article.

As a makeshift solution, we've decided to make up a new section - one that we're calling:

The Good News Catalogue.


The crypto nerd's catnip - enough good news to give you the zoomies!

(Alright, we'll stop).

Here's what's been going on:

  • Analysts at Matrixport think Ethereum could soon hit $3,000!

  • Bitcoin just cracked $35,000 (up from $26k less than a month ago).

  • Solana is up 17% in the past 7 days, following the Breakpoint Conference.

  • Cardano is up 20% in the past 7 days, following the 2023 Cardano Summit.

  • XRP is up 15% in the past 7 days, briefly taking the #4 spot based on market cap from BNB.

We're not at the 'getting a random text from uncle Steve asking for advice on which crypto projects to buy' stage of the market just yet...

But it's definitely in reach.