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​"The metaverse will kill mobile phones."

Let’s round this edition out with something a touch lighter (and highly theoretical).

So get this, the metaverse is going to kill mobile phones…according to...Nokia (?)

Lettuce explain.

Nokia’s chief strategy and technology officer, Nishant Batra, believes metaverse experiences will be the primary form of communication in the second half of the decade.

But, Mr Batra argues, there are a some pretty significant conditions that need to be met, before we see the mass adoption of the metaverse, including:

  1. Cheap hardware (i.e. not $1500 headsets)

  2. Cheap (or free) software

  3. Comfortable devices to wear for long periods of time

  4. Wirelessly connected (with many, many other devices at a time)

  5. A fun and interesting experience when you’re in the metaverse

Here’s our take:

None of those first four conditions matter, if the fifth isn't first met.

Right now, it feels like the space is in limbo - companies like Meta are investing billions of dollars into hardware & software, that support lackluster experiences.

It's like they've built the world's largest theme park...where none of the rollercoasters climb over 6 ft, or go faster than 5mph.

Our armchair analysis wagers that this will need to change before Nishy B's 'metaverse will kill mobile' theory can play out.

Either way, it’s cool that Nokia is thinking about the future of the metaverse.

(The more brain power invested, the better the end result).