Web3 Daily

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​'The next stage of Web3' just got closer...

We're going to go out on a limb here and assume that we're all in agreement:

Jon Turteltaub's National Treasure films, starring Nicolas Cage, are cinematic masterpieces.

Good. Ok.

Now, many of you may know that a third installment in the series is currently in production...although the release date is 'TBD.'

We want you to imagine for a moment, that the release date was not only confirmed, but you had a ticket.

Now, let's take it one step further.

Picture what it would feel like, if you received an email telling you that the release date had been moved up almost an entire week - bringing you that much closer to experiencing 'cinema, on God mode.'

That (right there ) is how the Ethereum community are feeling after The Merge update was brought forward to as early as September 10th (previously Sep 16th).

If Ethereum were a MacBook, The Merge would be the introduction of Apple's M1 chip - it blows away the operational speed and efficiency of what came before it.

We've written about the details of The Merge here and here - so we won't retread that path.

But this is all to say that, what many see as 'the next stage of Web3,' now starts early to mid September.