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​The VMAs are entering the metaverse...

The MTV Video Music Awards (VMAs) just announced that Eminem and Snoop Dogg are performing.

...and the performance will take place in the metaverse (!).

More specifically, the pair will be performing their song, ‘From The D 2 The LBC,’ from inside Yuga Labs’ metaverse game, 'Otherside'.

Here's how it will all work:

Yuga Labs (creators of Bored Ape Yacht Club) have developed a digital game called Otherside.

Phase 1 of the project only allows owners of ‘Otherside land NFTs’ to gain access. Now, everyone watching the VMAs will get a peep inside.

We don’t know exactly what it will look like, but both Eminem and Snoop are BAYC holders, so we assume they’ll appear as some version of themselves, and some version of the NFT that represents them (Eminem’s Twitter PFP is his Bored Ape).

It may be entirely virtual (something like this), or it may be a combination of in-person, and virtual.

This is exciting to us for 3 main reasons:

  1. It’s Eminem and Snoop Dogg! They have millions of fans. Fans that will likely come just for the performance - and get a glance into the future of Web3 as a bi-product.

  2. The VMAs still hold cultural weight. The show's public embracement of Web3 further legitimizes the new technology's place in society.

  3. Yuga Labs is showing the world what can be done. If this performance is even slightly successful, it's going to be shared; which is great for branding, great for $APE coin, and great for Web3 in general.

We're keen to check it out! If you want to tune in, it airs on Sunday.