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These Ibiza Nightclubs Are Learning From the 1800’s Gold Rush


  • The crypto space has its peaks and troughs, but over time it has a tendency to attract and generate a lot of wealthy individuals.

  • If you want to accrue crypto wealth, you can start by accepting crypto payments (like these prominent Ibiza nightclubs) and giving the crypto-rich a place to shop/spend.

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You know how when someone wants to give off a 'fiscally-responsible-Warren Buffet-esque' vibe, they'll often say something like:

"I only invest in 'shovel-selling' businesses."

(It's a nod to the idea that most of the money made in America's gold rush, went to those selling shovels, picks, food and lodging to hopeful miners).

Yeah, well a bunch of prominent nightclubs in Ibiza are now accepting crypto, and it's making us realize, there's a similar 'shovel' opportunity in the crypto space.

But it's WAY more simple:

Accept cryptocurrency as a payment.

(That’s it. That’s all you need to do).

Here’s the idea:

Sure, the crypto space has its peaks and troughs, but over time it has a tendency to attract and generate a lot of wealthy individuals.

Only problem for these cashed-up individuals is, there are very few places they can spend their coins/tokens directly.

Want to tap some of the newly generated crypto wealth?

Give these degenerates a place to spend it all!

It's the same reason Gucci started accepting ​ApeCoin​, after $3.5B worth of APE tokens were gifted to a small collective of ​NFT​ holders, late last year.
