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Tinder, but for Traditional Industries and Web3 Service Providers…


  • QuickNode just launched a B2B collaboration platform looking to match-make ​Web3​ service providers and legacy businesses.

  • These legacy businesses will be able to learn a bit about each Web3 service provider from the QuickNode platform (the "trusted mutual friend in the middle," if you will) - and, if it's a match, both parties can partner together.

  • This kind of 'industry match making' could help to close the divide between legacy companies and Web3 technology.

Full Story

Have you ever been set up on a successful blind date?

(Yeah, neither).

But our buddy actually met his wife that way.

A mutual friend gave him the low-down, he said "sure, why not" - and boom - a match made in heaven.


Anyways, that's kind of what QuickNode is trying to do, but for finding business partners.

The company just launched a B2B collaboration platform looking to match-make ​Web3​ service providers and legacy businesses.

The gist of it being:

These legacy businesses will be able to learn a bit about each Web3 service provider from the QuickNode platform (the "trusted mutual friend in the middle," if you will) - and, if it's a match, both parties can partner together.

Here's what's exciting us about this:

A lot of Web3, exists only to serve Web3.

Or a better way to put that is: legacy businesses are yet to really start adopting Web3 technology.

This kind of 'industry match making' could help to close the divide.

We love to see it!