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Uh oh! SBF wants to testify...


  • SBF's lawyer's are ready to call a bunch of witnesses in an attempt to convince the jury of his innocence.

  • The last witness to take the stand? It will be none other than Samuel Benjamin Bankman-Fried.

  • The big question is: Will Sam continue to play the "aw shucks, I guess I got a little out of my depths and messed up by accident" card? If he does, we may be about to see a public self-destruction of historic proportions.

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As of today, the Federal Government is winding down its case against Sam Bankman-Fried.

Which means SBF's lawyer's are up to bat, where they'll call a bunch of witnesses in an attempt to convince the jury of Sam's innocence.

The last witness to take the stand?

It will be none other than Samuel Benjamin Bankman-Fried.

Here's why everyone is on the edge of their seat about this:

After FTX collapsed, Sam had (and apparently continues to have) an attitude of "I can convince everyone of my innocence, if only I was given the time and appropriate reach."

That's why we saw him on the media circuit, even as everything was going up in flames around him - he thought he could talk his way out of it.

Which is typically a TERRIBLE idea, and only helps prosecutors to build a case against you (there's a reason we all have a 'right to remain silent').

The big question is:

Will Sam continue to play the "aw shucks, I guess I got a little out of my depths and messed up by accident" card?

(Especially after multiple witnesses have given sworn testimony that he knew full well what he was doing).

If he does, we may be about to see a public self-destruction of historic proportions.

We'll let you know what goes down, as soon as Sam takes the stand.