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Web3 and AI Combine Again


  • Binance has integrated ChatGPT as an 'AI-powered Web3 mentor' into their Binance Academy platform.

  • 'Binance Sensei' was trained with existing content from Binance Academy, and has been designed to enhance user engagement, providing relevant and easily digestible information.

  • As we mentioned last week, Web3 and AI aren't mutually exclusive - these new technologies should be seen as a marriage, not a divorce!

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Once again, we see the coming together of Web3 and AI.

This time it's Binance that's integrated ChatGPT into it's product.

(More on that in a second).

But first, an unsolicited opinion:

In order for mass adoption to come to Web3, one of two things must happen (and ideally both).

  1. Web3 becomes invisible: products are powered by blockchain technology, users own their data and get all the other benefits of it, but no one knows it's built on blockchain. It just works.

  2. Education: in order for anyone to invest anything (time, money, resources etc.) into Web3, they need to first understand it. Whether it's a crypto project built to solve a specific problem, or an NFT project with a unique utility, education lets people make informed decisions, instead of mindlessly investing with the hopes of a quick return.

OK - back to Binance.

Binance has integrated ChatGPT as an 'AI-powered Web3 mentor' into their Binance Academy platform.

'Binance Sensei' was trained with existing content from Binance Academy, and has been designed to enhance user engagement, providing relevant and easily digestible information.

When it comes to the integration of ChatGPT and regulated industries (i.e. financial services, healthcare etc.), companies have to be particularly careful.

By inserting ChatGPT into their educational platform (as opposed to their trading platform), it's low risk, and it shows that they're working at the forefront of technology.

As we mentioned last week, Web3 and AI aren't mutually exclusive - these new technologies should be seen as a marriage, not a divorce!