Web3 Daily

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​We'll take risks, so you don't have to.

Half n' half!

We’re trying to turn $5k into $10k, by investing an average of $100 per week, over a year - and we’re documenting it all:

What tokens/DAOs we’re buying in to, why we’re buying them, and the tools / platforms we’re using to do so.

All written in plain, easy to digest, English - sent out every two weeks, in a paid private email.

Are we investment experts? Absolutely not. Are we going to make mistakes? Yes. Yes, we are. Will we have some wins? Christ, we hope so.

Our point is this:

This isn’t some shiny crypto masterclass, featuring pros that have millions of dollars to play with. It’s a rough and ready learning experience, played out in public - where we take financial risks, so you don’t have to.

Here’s what you’ll get:

A comprehensive deep dive on a new project and its token, once every two weeks, over a 12 month period (and we’ll catch you up on the tokens we've already covered with accelerated content).

In each edition, we show our reasoning and outline each project’s overall potential, by covering:

  • What the project/token actually does
    (So you can understand it’s core value potential, free of hype)

  • How it appeals to users, developers & investors
    (Because the people using, building and buying into the project, are the ones that support its future growth)

  • What could go right / what could go wrong
    (A balanced review of potential outcomes - the good, the bad, and the ugly)

  • Our overall learnings & research data
    (So you know what metrics are valuable, and why)

Basically, it’s a framework you can straight up steal and use for yourself.

One that will help you better understand why some cryptocurrencies are valuable (and why others should be avoided).

Click the big red button below to join today