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Why Is Everyone All of a Sudden Talking About Dogecoin Again - Did We Miss Something?


  • There're a bunch of headlines about Dogecoin right now...

  • For example: Over $600M is locked in open Dogecoin Futures right now.

  • Also, Elon halts Dogecoin surge by confirming his AI company is 'not raising money.'

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For whatever reason, there're a bunch of headlines about Dogecoin right now...

Oh well, so be it!

Reporting that 'Bitcoin went up (again)' was starting to feel a little repetitive anyway.

(Btw, Bitcoin did go up again, it cracked/has been hovering around $44k).

Anyway, here's what you missed with Dogecoin:

  • Over $600M is locked in open Dogecoin Futures right now.

    'Futures' are agreements to either buy or sell a stock/cryptocurrency at a predetermined date and price in the future.

    (More $ locked up in futures = more general interest in the asset).

    Why the renewed interest in Doge? Well...

  • Doge just turned 10, and coincidentally hit $.10c for the first time in a year.

    Some think this price jump was the result of a rumor that Elon Musk was raising $1B to fund his new AI company (xAI).

    (And many investors assume that xAI will use Doge as a payment system).

    Which brings us to ​headline #3​...

  • Elon halts Dogecoin surge by confirming his AI company is 'not raising money.'

    (See above for what Doge has to do with Elon's AI company).

Right-e-o! That's everything.

Now you know.