280 Days ‘Til Bitcoin Booms (According to This Chart)


  • Twitter user ​@therationalroot​ has lumped each of the past 4 year Bitcoin halving cycles on top of each other in a single chart.

  • They show a consistent pattern that has repeated every four years, over the past ~11 years, which can give us insight into where BTC is headed in the next 12-24 months…

  • If these averages stay consistent this time around, we have a forecast of: 280 days of sideways trading, followed by 365 days of upward momentum. We love to see it!

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Love it or hate it, it has one function that unifies the entire crypto industry:

The halving cycle.

Every 4 years, the amount of new Bitcoin entering the market each day gets cut in half.

Which means as long as demand holds steady, there's a relatively dependable likelihood that the BTC price will go up.

(Demand + scarcity = value).

It unifies the crypto industry, because the rest of the market's prices tend to follow Bitcoin over longer time frames.

Right now, we're less than a year out from the next halving (280 days to be exact). So let's see where we're at, compared to previous cycles.

Twitter user ​@therationalroot​ has done the heavy lifting for us, lumping each of the past 4 year cycles on top of each other in a single chart.

For those of you that love consistency - brace yourselves - you might well up at this chart's beauty...

Alright, that's cool - but it's a little busy. Let's simplify things...

Are these averages perfect? No. We eye-balled em' and drew each one out using our meat bricks (hands) on a laptop trackpad.

But damn if they're not getting us excited for the future. If these past averages are followed this time around, we have a forecast of:

280 days of 'meh.'

Followed by 365 days of 'heeeeell yeah!'

As with all things in life: nothing is certain. Either way, we're liking this track record!

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