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​‘3D-printed NFT Fashion Designer’ How’s That for a Job Title?

Staying with the theme of Nouns...

Remember when you were a kid and your teacher would say “when you’re older, there will be jobs that don’t even exist today”?

‘3D-printed NFT fashion designer’ would definitely have been on that list.

Last weekend, at the NFT Paris conference, attendees were welcome to attend an ‘NFT-based fashion show.’

Fashion designer, Danit Peleg, used the event to showcase her collection of 3D-printed apparel, inspired by the Nouns NFT project.

Many of the pieces featured the famous square Nouns glasses (aka “Noggles”) as well as detailed recreations of some of the characters that have been minted.

“I found inspiration in everything about Nouns, from the community, to the NFT structure, and the amazing things Nouns could do with their treasury,”

The Nouns project has a ‘Creative Commons Zero’ (CC0) license meaning that anyone - even if you don’t own a Nouns NFT - can create and sell products based on the images.

The idea being that people with deep expertise in all sorts of fields can have the ability to collaborate with an open-source brand.

Peleg’s collection is a good example of that theory in action.