A Shot of Adrenaline for Web3 Gaming


  • NFT​/​Web3​ gaming marketplace Fractal has just announced 'Fractal Studio,' or FStudio - which is basically a development engine for Web3 games.

  • To our knowledge, FStudio is the first game engine solely focused on building Web3 games.

  • FStudio allows developers to turn their in-game items into NFTs, create in-game marketplaces, and accept payments from credit cards - right out of the box!

  • The lower the barrier to entry into Web3 gaming, the faster the space will grow. We love to see it!

Full Story

Have you heard of ​Fractal​?

It's a marketplace where you can play ​NFT​/​Web3​ games.

They just announced 'Fractal Studio,' or FStudio - which is basically a development engine for Web3 games - and it's getting us all giddy!

Why so?

There're plenty of game engines that have Web3 friendly tools, built by third party developers - but to our knowledge, FStudio is the first game engine solely focused on building Web3 games.

The long and short of it's features being:

FStudio allows developers to turn their in-game items into NFTs, create in-game marketplaces, and accept payments from credit cards - right out of the box!

So instead of trying to duct tape solutions together from a range of third party developer tools, game makers can do it all in one place.

Which is a huge reduction in friction!

Imagine if Photoshop wasn't a thing, and there were separate apps for each of its functions (blurring, sharpening, text addition, background removal, color adjustment etc.).

It'd be a mess!

A single platform like FStudio is kind of like 'the Photoshop of Web3 game development.'

And the lower the barrier to entry into Web3 gaming, the faster the space will grow.

We love to see it!

Web3 Daily

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