​AI art theft vs. the blockchain

Oh damn, this is an interesting concept!

For those of you who missed it, AI generated art has been in the spotlight of late, and quickly made its way into the crosshairs of the art world.

Why? Because the AI trained itself to make images, by looking at other artists' work.

On one hand, this is what human artists do anyway - look at other styles, to create your own unique hybrid.

On the other, some of these AI recreations hit a little too close to home - some images even feature the jumbled signatures of other artists, in its work.

So here's where blockchain technology can help, according to Dan Neely, CEO of Vermillio (an 'authenticated AI' platform):

Artists should be able to profit from AI generated art, that has lineage to their body of work (or, what us mere mortals refer to as 'taking inspiration from').

Blockchain can be employed to track which artists work an AI system is basing its work off, and have the AI company pay for access to that training data (and resulting creation).

And it just so happens that that's exactly what Vermillio's 'authenticated AI' platform does.

It tracks the training data and links the lineage of an AI's output, to the artists that informed it, and pays the artists in turn.

As we said, interesting concept!

(Let's see how they go about building the MASSIVE universal infrastructure needed to pull this off).


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