Web3 Daily

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​Amazon enters Web3.

Signs of things to come are everywhere (some more obvious than others).

For example:

  • Thunder usually means it's about to rain.

  • Dad's lowered tone means you're treading on mighty thin ice, mister.

  • And the worlds largest online retailer entering the Web3 space during a bear market, means adoption isn't slowing down.

Two sources told Blockworks that Amazon is looking to announce the launch of its very own NFT based apps and games, as early as April.

According to the source, the announcement is something that is:

"Going to affect the existing players in the space — if they execute and do this right and are smart about it."

Here's why this move makes complete sense for Amazon:

They're a marketplace!

In fact, they're the marketplace - and for a business like Amazon's, digital items are the ultimate end game in both profit and efficiency.

Think about it - with NFTs, there isn't any:

  • Sourcing

  • Warehousing

  • Shipping

  • Delays

  • Or returns

I.e. None of the hassle that comes with selling physical items.

If they can create apps and games that assign value to digital goods, they can then give their users a place to buy/sell/trade them, and take a platform fee/royalty share from every sale.

All without any of the insane infrastructure that their existing marketplaces require.

Smart for Amazon - exciting for Web3!