An Important PSA (Especially for Trezor Users)


  • There's a malicious app available on the Apple App Store that ​can be found​ under the name 'Trezor Wallet Suite.'

  • The fake app requests your seed phrase (the secret phrase that will let you access the account) and stores it - allowing the creator of the account to ​drain​ your crypto wallet.

  • It's important to be extremely diligent with every step of the process when buying, selling, or transferring your digital assets.

Full Story

We're back with another Public Service Announcement.

There's a malicious app available on the Apple App Store that ​can be found​ under the name 'Trezor Wallet Suite.'

Trezor - which recently had a huge increase in sales off the back of ​Ledger's blunder​ - is a ​hardware wallet​ which means most of the time it's offline and not connected to the internet.

(You can think of a hardware wallet like a password protected flash drive specifically designed to stores digital assets like crypto).

But in order to put that crypto on the hardware wallet, it needs to be temporarily connected to some sort of device.

Here's where the fake 'Trezor Wallet Suite' comes into play.

With the real Trezor app, called 'Trezor Suite Lite,' users can connect their Trezor hardware wallet, send and receive crypto, and keep track of their portfolio balance.

The fake app requests your seed phrase (the secret phrase that will let you access the account) and stores it - allowing the creator of the account to ​drain​ your crypto wallet.

We've preached the use of hardware wallets plenty of times in the past - because they are the most secure way to store your crypto.

As with everything though, it's important to be extremely diligent with every step of the process when buying, selling, or transferring your digital assets.

Let's spread the word to all those Trezor users!

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