Another Brick in The Wall for Web3


  • Circle, the company behind the world's second largest stablecoin, just announced the launch of their programmable crypto wallet service.

  • While WaaS isn't new, a vital part of onboarding the masses into ​Web3​ (at least, as it stands today), is having a place to store digital assets that's easy enough for grandma to use.

  • Each and every innovation that makes Web3 just that little bit easier to use, compounds to make Web3 what it will become.

Full Story

Circle, the company behind the world's second largest stablecoin, just announced the launch of their programmable crypto wallet service.

​Their headline​ is one of beauty: Web3 wallets for the next billion users.

Wallets-as-a-Service (Waas) aren't new, and Circle aren't the only ones working on this.

(Heck, ​we wrote​ about another company offering a similar thing just last week! Plus Coinbase has ​their WaaS​ offering too).

But that's what makes this exciting.

Each company that jumps into this space is raising the bar.

While WaaS isn't new, a vital part of onboarding the masses into ​Web3​ (at least, as it stands today), is having a place to store digital assets that's easy enough for grandma to use.

Rome wasn't built in a day; and neither was the internet.

Each and every innovation that makes Web3 just that little bit easier to use, compounds to make Web3 what it will become.

Web3 Daily

Web3 and crypto news, translated into plain English.

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