​Are brands that have jumped into Web3 seeing success?

We’ve written about iconic brands getting involved with Web3 a number of times.

(e.g. Gucci; Tiffany & Co.; Nike).

Which got us thinking, that’s cool and all, but is it actually working?

First let's define what ‘working’ means.

From a company's point of view, if it makes money and it doesn't damage their brand - it's probably a win!

For example, Tiffany & Co's entrance into Web3 felt like a strange fit to us - similar to Apple getting into self-driving cars...

We hope it works (it sounds like it would be cool), but it’s a far stretch from what they’re known and loved for.

...but hey, it didn't damage their brand and it made them $12.5M, so who cares?

No doubt the execs at Tiffany & Co. are chalking this one up as a win!

And it's not just Tiff that's found success in the space...

According to data from Dune Analytics, Nike’s NFT drops alone have made $185.3 million in revenue, with volumes in the secondary markets approaching $1.3 billion.

So yeah, it looks like it's working! And as an added bonus:

The more proven & profitable methods there are for big brands to enter Web3, the broader the adoption.




​A good sign for the future of Web3


​Boring news, BIG impact