Are You Human? Prove It (Using Your Crypto Wallet)
Article source, here.
Fun fact: Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI (creator of ChatGPT) has a crypto project called Worldcoin, and it’s just released its first major consumer product (a simplified wallet).
The goal of the wallet: to help you prove you’re human in the age of AI.
Here's where it gets a little dystopian: to be able to use the wallet as a 'proof of humanity' tool, you need to visit and stare into a retina scanning metal orb (not a joke).
Your biometric data is then assigned a 'WorldID,' which can be requested by sites & apps.
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Fun fact: Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI (creator of ChatGPT) has a crypto project.
It's called Worldcoin and it has just released its first major consumer product (a simplified wallet).
The goal of the wallet: to help you prove you’re human in the age of AI.
You know those 'click to confirm you're human' buttons? Yeah, ah, AI can navigate those now - and it's only getting more complex in its ability to solve all the different variations of checks.
The Worldcoin wallet is "one part minimalist crypto wallet, and one part passport for the AI era."'s where it gets a little dystopian:
To be able to use the wallet as a 'proof of humanity' tool, you need to visit and stare into a retina scanning metal orb (not a joke). Your biometric data is then assigned a 'WorldID,' which can be requested by sites & apps.
The idea in its simplest form: AI can't take a biometric scan → which means it can't be assigned a WorldID → so any wallet holding one is human owned.
Which...sure - it works!
But - at least right now - the idea of getting a biometric scan, just so you can pass a bot test?
That's a hard sell...we're happy to keep on clicking blurry photos of motorcycles for the time being.
Thanks x