Awww, Sam Bankman-Fried Doesn’t Have Sufficient Internet in Prison


  • SBF is now claiming the two days of internet access he gets on his government supplied laptop (while in federal prison) is hindering his ability to defend himself.

  • We’d have thought the $20.3M of FTX funds that Sam paid to his lawyers in the early months of the company’s bankruptcy would be enough for a solid defense.

  • Ol’ Samuel is now requesting an internet-enabled laptop and access to a cellblock at the federal courthouse in Manhattan, five days a week.

  • In response, the courts are calling ‘bullsh*t!’ - pointing to the fact that Sam’s device access for reviewing evidence already exceeds what is typically available to pretrial detainees.

Full Story

You guys, Sam Bankman-Fried doesn’t have 24hr internet access in prison.

Light a candle. Say a prayer.

For a guy that:

  • (Allegedly) stole/lost over $8B of customers' funds

  • Tampered with witnesses while under house arrest

  • Used a VPN in clear disregard for the conditions of his bail

…it’s a bold move to be complaining about internet access.

But Sam’s a bold guy!

He’s now claiming the two days of internet access he gets on his government supplied laptop (while in federal prison) is hindering his ability to defend himself.

We’d have thought the $20.3M of FTX funds that Sam paid to his lawyers in the early months of the company’s bankruptcy would be enough for a solid defense.

But apparently we’d be wrong...

Ol’ Samuel is now requesting an internet-enabled laptop and access to a cellblock at the federal courthouse in Manhattan, five days a week.

In response, the courts are calling ‘bullsh*t!’ - pointing to the fact that Sam’s device access for reviewing evidence already exceeds what is typically available to pretrial detainees.

It ain’t the swift justice we’ve all been hoping to see.

…but it’s a start.

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