​Binance overpaid its users millions - and it looks like they have no plans to get it back.

If you think Web3 is confusing as hell, don't worry - you're not alone.

Even the big names in the space can get thrown by its needless complexities from time to time.

A few weeks ago, we learned that crypto.com accidentally refunded a client $10M, instead of $50. This week, it's Binance that have made a blunder - and it's all thanks to the Helium Network.

Helium has two tokens: HNT (the more valuable one) and MOBILE (the less valuable one).

Binance counted them as one, and gave anyone depositing the MOBILE token, HNT tokens in return.

Paying out a total of $19M worth of HNT to holders that weren't supposed to receive it.

...and while Binance have since fixed the bug that caused the payout, as far as we can tell, they have no plans to get it back.

Most of the users that received the bonus tokens over the past few months, sold them immediately, driving the HNT price down from ~$7 to ~$4:

...so there is such a thing as a free lunch.


​$200M secured for sports metaverse company...if they want it.


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