Bitcoin is still living w mom & dad

We read this linked article, so you don't have to.

Moral of the story: Bitcoin still goes up and down in lock-step with the stock market.

So what's the lesson? What can we gleam from in between these-here lines?

It's this: the loudest voices don't always represent the opinion of the majority.

Bitcoin maximalists (the loudest voices) will tell you that BTC is designed to be a deflationary commodity (i.e. its value goes up over time, instead of down), which operates independent of any other market (i.e. isn't easily influenced by outside market factors, like inflation and high interest rates).

And they're not wrong!

It is designed that way - and Bitcoin's value has gone WAY up over a ten year period (a $1K investment in 2012, would now be worth $1.1M).

...but the whole 'independence' thing, hasn't been realized as of yet.

Which, on a human time scale, makes total sense - Bitcoin just turned thirteen, it's still living under mom & dad's (a.k.a the stock market's) roof.

So while the loudest voices are treating Bitcoin like its own independent asset class, most of the investing world is still approaching it like they would a risky/volatile stock.

(And because of that, Bitcoin continues to match the movements of the stock market).


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