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​Bitcoin short funds hit all-time high

All time high! That's good right?


Not so much (at least in the short term).

A new report from CoinShares shows that short Bitcoin investment products hit an all-time high of $172 million assets under management.

Investors ‘short’ Bitcoin when they think the price is about to go down, and right now a lot of people think that the price of Bitcoin is about to dip.

But here’s the thing: this makes perfect sense.

We’re in the middle of a crypto bear market, price drops are par for the course - and if there's an opportunity to make money off this volatility, no doubt some folks are going to take that bet.

So let's zoom out and re-centre our crypto chakras by asking:

  1. Has anything fundamentally changed in Bitcoin's underlying technology?

  2. Is this news likely to have a significant effect on BTC, five to ten years from now?

The answer to both questions, as far as we can tell, is ‘no.’

So we're filing this one under 'not a problem in the long term.'

(But you do you).

P.S. If you want to learn more about shorting crypto, and short squeezes, we covered everything you need to know a few months back, here (scroll down to article 3).