BTC, ETH & SOL All “Take a Dive”


  • It felt like BTC, ETH, & SOL “took a dive” after worse-than-expected inflation data came in yesterday, but it was only a few percent, and it rebounded immediately.

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You know those viral videos of people freaking out in VR?

Where the person with the headset on is seeing things that aren’t real, but their limbic system is screaming:

“Dude, run as fast as humanly possible in a single direction (towards the dry wall, which you’ve already forgotten is directly in front of you)!”

From the outside looking in, it feels a little silly (cause we can clearly see they’re in a neutral space, with a floor and ceiling above them).

That’s kinda what it feels like to watch the market right now…

Cause yeah, it kinda felt like BTC, ETH, & SOL “took a dive” after worse-than-expected inflation data came in yesterday…

But in reality, they dropped a couple percent at worst:

  • BTC went from $69k to $67.6k

  • ETH went from $3.5k to $3.4k

  • SOL went from $170 to $162

(All before rebounding almost entirely across the board).

So here’s what to do if you want to sleep a little better:

Take the VR goggles off.

These bounces can feel violent & scary, but in reality, the market is largely being driven by Bitcoin, which is in a relatively neutral space with a solid floor ($60k) and ceiling ($73.5k) beneath/above it.

Until that floor is broken, there’s no need to be stressing.

…and if the ceiling breaks — that’s cause for celebration!

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