Buy an NFT → train your AI


  • ​Nevermined​ is a ​blockchain​ powered platform that lets tech companies train their AI models on specialized data sets, legally.

  • See, right now AI is very much in its 'wild west' phase - models are being trained on copyrighted data, without permission, left right and center.

  • Nevermined's solution is to simplify the process of legally obtaining access to data sets, using blockchain technology.

  • Here's the basic gist of how it works: a company buys an ​NFT​ → the NFT grants them legal access to a dataset → they use it to train their AI.

  • Pros: you can now pay for the exact data you need, all in one place, and save a whole lot of time and sanity. Cons: you can A LOT of data for free online, without reprimand.

Full Story

Can you feel that? The warm fuzzy feeling in your stomach?

That's because you're witnessing a marriage (between ​Web3​ and AI).

​Nevermined​ is a ​blockchain​ powered platform that lets tech companies train their AI models on specialized data sets, legally.

See, right now AI is very much in its 'wild west' phase - models are being trained on copyrighted data, without permission, left right and center.

Nevermined's solution is to simplify the process of legally obtaining access to data sets, using blockchain technology.

Here's the basic gist of how it works:

A company buys an ​NFT​ → the NFT grants them legal access to a dataset → they use it to train their AI.

Here's where we see this working:

Let's say you're looking for a bunch of hard to find financial market data, so you can create the AI embodiment of Warren Buffet (Buff-Bot, if you will)...

Being able to pay for the exact data you need, all in one place, could save a whole lot of time and sanity.

(No having to scrape the internet, subscribe to thousands of different pay-walled publications, then prune and filter all the noise).

Here's where we see this struggling (at least, for now):

Any AI model that uses a broad data set. Cause here's the thing...

It's damn near impossible to get folks to pay for something they're used to getting for free.

(And there's a whoooole bunch of freely accessible data on the internet).

Sure, a lot of it is protected by copyright - but until governments start legally enforcing transparency in training data, our guess is it's going to be a free-for-all (accidental pun, leaving it in).

Here's the silver lining:

Once the hammer comes down, and there's clear legislation covering the do's-and-don'ts of AI training models - platforms like Nevermined are going to be in high demand.

It's not the sexiest implementation of AI and blockchain, but it's damn useful!

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