“Buy Bitcoin” Google Searches Just Spiked 800%


  • In the past week Google searches for “buy Bitcoin” have surged 800% worldwide.

  • We're yet to have a family member randomly text us, asking how to safely store Bitcoin, which is usually our 'canary in the coal mine' for big shifts in public interest regarding crypto...

  • In fact, this spike in interest could just be a one-off event, thanks to an isolated moment in the news cycle (looking at you, spot Bitcoin ETF rumors).

Full Story

Ok, so we’re obviously not at that “every man and his dog is talking about crypto” point of the market cycle just yet.

But we may not be far off! Check this out...

In the past week:

  • Google searches for “buy Bitcoin” have surged 800% worldwide.

  • “Should I buy Bitcoin” searches increased by 250% in the US.

  • “Can I buy Bitcoin on Fidelity?” increased in the US by over 3,100% (!)

  • While “is it a good time to buy Bitcoin?” saw a 110% gain worldwide.

Now, we should mention:

We're yet to have a family member randomly text us, asking how to safely store Bitcoin, which is usually our 'canary in the coal mine' for big shifts in public interest regarding crypto...

In fact, this spike in interest could just be a one-off event, thanks to an isolated moment in the news cycle (looking at you, spot Bitcoin ETF rumors).

Either way - it ain't a bad sign!

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