Crypto’s Getting Political (Booo!) but Coinbase and MoonPay Are Working to Balance the Scales


  • MoonPay just threw $1M into the Coinbase-initiated “Stand With Crypto” campaign, which aims to make crypto a bipartisan issue in the US.

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MoonPay just threw $1M into the Coinbase-initiated “Stand With Crypto” campaign.

(Which aims to back bipartisan, crypto-friendly politicians in Congress to help garner clearer crypto regulation in the US).

Which we’re all for!

…cause honestly, the fact that crypto is somehow a partisan issue? That feels weird.

And we know what you’re thinking:

“Of course you’d say that — you’re crypto people. It’s in your interest for it to have bipartisan support.”

Which is true!

But here’s our theory on why making crypto a partisan issue is a massive misstep:

We’ve met/seen/heard of a whooole bunch of people that are deeply apathetic to crypto, but very few that are directly anti-crypto.

In fact, most of them aren’t necessarily anti-crypto, as much as they are anti “having to listen to another lecture on the byzantine general’s problem, and the importance of hard currencies.”

And we get it! It’s boring as heck to listen to if you’re not into it.

(We’ve had family members set clear ‘no crypto talk at the dinner table’ rules).

But going anti-crypto feels like a losing strategy, in the sense that there’re very few people in the US that are anti-crypto single issue voters.

(While there’re a whole bunch of pro-crypto single issue voters).

So another $1M towards a campaign that aims to bring some balance to the issue?

Bravo MoonPay, bravo.

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