‘Do Cool SH*T, Easily’ (The Formula for Web3 Hyper Growth)
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So how does Web3 & crypto tech see mass adoption? People need to be able to 'do cool sh*t, easily' with Web3 technology.
There's a roadmap in our minds, and it's made up of three parts: EIP-4337, Web3 Social, Web3 Gaming.
EIP-4337 is an Ethereum update that will allow ETH wallet users to sign up with an email or even just Face/TouchID, automated recurring payments, 2-FA for payments.
Web3sSocial protocols, like ‘Lens,’ allow users to transfer their content and followings between Web3 social platforms.
Web3 gaming will see the in-game digital items you collect be represented as tradable NFTs, rewarding skill and fandom with rarer items.
Maybe we're trust trying to prove our own point here, but...that's a lot of cool sh*t! ☝️
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Here're a couple of things you might've noticed if you spent any time in the tech & finance spaces, over the past decade:
Everyone is mad at Google/Facebook/TikTok for hoarding their data.
And a good chunk of folks are peeved with their governments for debasing local currencies...
Those are two problems Web3 & crypto technology are well geared to solve.
...so why isn't everyone rushing to enter the space?
Because the pain created by currency debasement and data-hungry tech companies, isn't pronounced enough for most people to make the jump.
(And honestly, we hope it never gets to that point).
A world where the use of behavioral data is noticeably impacting our daily lives in a negative way?
...where hyperinflation is draining the value of our dollars in realtime?
No thank you.
So how does Web3 & crypto tech see mass adoption, without first seeing these 'worst case scenarios' realized?
The technical framework we've constructed to answer that question, is as follows:
People need to be able to 'do cool sh*t, easily' with Web3 technology.
So what does that look like, and how do we get there? There's a roadmap in our minds, and it's made up of three parts:
Web3 Social
Web3 Gaming
Don't let the jargon-y name fool you, this 'Ethereum Improvement Proposal' aims to make the Web3 experience WAY simpler.
Basically, it's an update that will bring the following features to Ethereum wallets:
Sign up with an email or even just Face/TouchID. (No more 12-24 word seed phrases. Just click 'sign up' → create an account w FaceID → you're in!).
Automated payments. (Pay folks on a recurring schedule, which opens the door for set n' forget crypto payroll and subscriptions).
2-Factor Authentication for payments. (Has someone hacked your wallet? They won't be able to move any of your crypto without having physical access to your phone).
Summary: creating an ETH wallet will be as easy as unlocking your phone, payment automation will reduce user friction, and hacking will become WAY harder.
"Ok, that covers the 'doing things easily' part of the puzzle...but what's this 'cool sh*t' you speak of?"
Web3 Social
Picture this: there's a new Web3 social app that's blowing up.
You go to the app-store, download it, click 'sign up', and FaceID authentication automatically creates you an account.
You mess around on the app, start building a following, making friends, creating content etc, the months go by...
But damn! All of a sudden, there's a newer/cooler Web3 social app making the rounds. Do you jump ship and start from scratch on the new platform? Or stay put?
Here's the kicker: in Web3, you don't have to make that decision.
Any following you build on one Web3 social app, follows you to the next.
(Same with your content!)
It feels like witchcraft at first glance, but think about it:
Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, YouTube...they're all just different configurations of video, image, and text.
Web3 social protocols, like 'Lens,' let builders combine/compose those three pillars of content in different ways, using a universal and interchangeable 'rule set.'
The result for the end user being: when a new app pops up, they can take everything with them (their usernames, followings, and content).
The problem right now is there's yet to be a novel social platform created on Lens that's strong enough to pull in folks from outside of Web3.
(They're mostly just Twitter/IG/YouTube clones at the moment).
But if/when that hot new social platform shows up: the user growth it generates will benefit every other app built on the protocol.
Very cool, for builders and users alike!
Web3 Gaming
The concept is simple:
The play experience stays almost exactly the same, it's just that the in-game digital items you collect are represented as tradable NFTs.
So what're the benefits of this new feature?
Say you're the first in the world to complete a mission or discover an easter egg in a game - the item you're rewarded with could be a 1/1, and/or have special traits/functions.
(It's yours to keep, or sell on the secondary market).
The end result: you still get to play the games you know and love, but your skill and fandom is rewarded with verifiably rare digital collectibles.
Right now, most Web3 games stink. But it's our belief that once there's a kick-ass 'AAA' rated game, that uses blockchain technology - folks won't want to go back.
Maybe we're trust trying to prove our own point here, but...
That's a lot of cool sh*t! ☝️