Do We Really Need Another Messaging App?


  • 'One username and login to rule them all!' That's one of the many promises ​Web3​ has made to us all. The idea being:

  • You buy a Web3 domain name → it acts as your username/digital identity across all Web3 apps (including socials, gaming, messaging, etc.).

  • The easiest of those product categories being: messaging. A fact that isn't lost on the folks over at Coinbase! They've just announced a ​wallet​-to-wallet messaging feature.

  • Which is kind of like if Venmo added a chat function, so you could DM your friends, as well as send them money. (The crypto version of that, at least).

  • Do we really need another messaging app? At this point - no, not really (but this feels like more of a long-term play from Coinbase).

Full Story

'One username and login to rule them all!'

That's one of the many promises ​Web3​ has made to us all.

The idea being:

You buy a Web3 domain name → it acts as your username/digital identity across all Web3 apps (including socials, gaming, messaging, etc.).

The easiest/most obvious first step of those listed categories being: messaging.

A fact that isn't lost on the folks over at Coinbase!

They've just announced the roll out of their new ​wallet​-to-wallet messaging feature.

Which is kind of like if Venmo added a chat function, so you could DM your friends, as well as send them money.

(The crypto version of that, at least).

The difference is, with Coinbase's wallet-to-wallet messaging your username is yours (you own it, not Coinbase, not Facebook, not Twitter - you!)

Which is neat, but do we really need another messaging app?

At this point - no, not really (but this feels like more of a long-term play from Coinbase).

Is it nice to know there's a messaging platform where we can truly own our own digital identities (instead of one of a small handful of tech giants)?


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