Does This Data Track Bitcoin’s Global Impact - Or Is It All Smoke and Mirrors?


  • Thanks to the recent jump in Bitcoin's price, there are now over 8 million individual Bitcoin ​wallets​ holding $1k USD or more of Bitcoin (a new record!).

  • The more purchasing power something can give to a larger number of people, the better it is for the world.

  • And right now, there are 8M people with a purchasing power of $1k worth of Bitcoin at their disposal - purchasing power that they didn't have a month ago.

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This feels like an arbitrary statistic...but it might be worth getting excited about:

Thanks to the recent jump in Bitcoin's price, there are now over 8 million individual Bitcoin ​wallets​ holding $1k USD or more of Bitcoin (a new record!).

...ok, that's cool and all, but what does it even indicate?

In its plainest/purist sense, this data supports the idea that:

The more purchasing power something can give to a larger number of people, the better it is for the world.

E.g. If a company can grow (gaining more and more employees along the way), it will distribute more purchasing power to more people as it expands.

(More purchasing power, for more individuals = more financial freedom/personal autonomy, for more people).

Long story longer: 'more money in everyones pockets' is a message that speaks to just about everybody.

And right now, there are 8M people with a purchasing power of $1k worth of Bitcoin at their disposal - purchasing power that they didn't have a month ago.

It ain't exactly front page news - but it's a milestone worth celebrating!

Because the more wealth Bitcoin can bring to a broader number of people, the greater its impact will be on the world.

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