Ethereum ETFs: Approved!


  • US investors will soon be able to buy ETH via the stock market (investors buy ETF shares → the ETF buys ETH), which should attract a new class of investors to ETH.

Full Story

Before you yell at us for titling this edition ‘The biggest day in crypto history (maybe ever)‘ — let us say this:

It ain’t because of the Ethereum ETF. Not alone at least.

Three massive pieces of news broke yesterday, and we’re going to cover them all — starting with the Ethereum Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) approvals.

If the headline wasn’t clear enough: it was approved!

This means that (once they go live) US investors will be able to buy ETH via the stock market (investors buy ETF shares → the ETF buys Ethereum), giving the purchase of ETH the ‘regulatory green light’ allowing big investment firms to invest without fear of ending up in court.

(And more investment = higher prices).

When will they go live for trading? Magic 8 Ball says: “Reply hazy.”

Thing is: this was a SUPER last minute approval (until Monday — it was pretty much a foregone conclusion that it was going to get canned).

So expect it to take a couple weeks at the very least.

The takeaway:

Crypto is becoming a bi-partisan issue in the US.

Whether by choice, or by force of their constituents — both sides of the aisle are starting to embrace the technology.

And while it’s still early days yet…

The violent 180 we just witnessed gives us tangible hope that America will soon become a hotbed of crypto innovation once again.

We love to see it!

Web3 Daily

Web3 and crypto news, translated into plain English.

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