​Ethereum's blinding hangover sets in

This is going to be a short n' sweet article, talking about BTRSTF (buy the rumor, sell the fact).

Fair warning, no one actually uses that acronym, so if you do - you're going to get some looks.

We have a perfect example of BTRSTF in The Ethereum Merge.

After years of hearing about all the great things it was going to bring to the network, people started to believe that the results would be immediately reflected in the ETH price.

With the promise of Ethereum's flaws being fixed, came rumors of the price moving up 2x, 3x, even 10x.

Which is all possible, but these things take time to play out - The Merge will be a catalyst for growth over the coming years, not days.

It's like trying to save a relationship by going on a trip. A three day cruise isn't going to magically fix things - it takes time and real work.

Over the past few months, folks bought into the rumor of this growth.

Then, when the price didn't immediately shoot up post Merge, they came to terms with the fact that it often takes months/years for these sorts of things to play out and 'sold the fact'.

As a result, the Ethereum price is down ~8% as of this writing.


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