Etihad Airlines → NFTs → Sustainability

File this one under 'weird, but why not?'.

Etihad has just announced the launch of its first NFT project.

The collection, called EY-ZERO1 (Elon’s next kid?), will have 10 detailed 3D aircraft models.

Here’s the neat part of it all:

They actually have utility.

Not only is the project set to be minted on the energy-efficient, Polygon blockchain, but Etihad have partnered with to track all the CO2 emissions of the NFTs.

They’re offsetting the entire carbon footprint of the project and all profits from EY-ZERO1 will go directly to fund the purchase of sustainable aviation fuel.

Etihad NFT holders will also be granted Etihad Guest Silver tier membership for a year.

Big companies, not only offering NFTs “for NFTs sake”, but offering collections that are useful for their customers and their businesses?

That's a step in the right direction right there.

We'll take it.



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