“February Is Going to Be Rough for Bitcoin, but Things Should Turn around in March”


  • Decentrader predicts BTC will be a bit choppy throughout Feb (and may well take a dive), but should rebound throughout March.

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In today’s “insights and predictions made by people way smarter than us” news…

Remember the other week when we spoke about the pattern that certain crypto-market-big-brains are expecting to see play out?

The one where, in the lead up to both the 2016 and 2020 Bitcoin halvings, BTC’s price saw a 40-50% drop in price from its then recent highs.

Yeah, well, more and more people are voicing their support for this theory. Today’s backing comes from Decentrader, who predicts:

“Bitcoin has around 30 days from now to meander through its corrective phase before finding the FOMO demand anticipated.”

Translation: BTC will be a bit choppy throughout Feb (and may well take a dive), but by March, expect folks to start buying/pushing the price up again.

And you know what — in complete honesty — we wouldn’t be mad if that happened.

(We love a good bargain).

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